The Definitive Guide to Finan

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Sverri arrives ashore looking for Jonis. He is intercepted by Sven. He’s come looking for Uhtred and picks him out of the crowd of slaves. He gives Uhtred a sword to battle to the death. Finan tries to intervene as Uhtred is too weak but he is knocked back.

He tells Uhtred to make a choice: either accept his punishment or allow his friends to kill each other. Uhtred hands his weapons off to Finan and Sihtric and informs Steapa that he will come peacefully to the king. When Alfred refuses Uhtred's term, Uhtred is forced to fight his way out. Uhtred makes it outside the mauer, where he reconvenes with Finan and Sihtric and rides off to Dunholm. ("Folge 3.2")

Uhtred explains that Guthlac belongs to the Danes and when they get word that he’s trapped, the Danes will come for them, meaning less men at their camp. Uhtred heads upstairs and smashes a hole hinein the roof. He then takes several torches and sets the village on fire. While the men are distracted and scrambling to save the village, Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth exit. Guthlac asks for mercy, but Uhtred kills him and leaves. ("Episode 3.7")

Mercia; They sleep as Uhtred watches over them. Day breaks and the group awakens. Ælfwynn goes following behind a crow, chasing it through the woods on her own.

Edward’s strategy is foolish, and he inevitably falls back as his men are killed. Edward warns them that soon they will Beryllium surrounded and massacred if they don’t surrender. Uhtred hides himself with a shield and approaches Edward while remaining concealed. He tells Edward to Chose back, but Edward sends his men to attack. ("Episode 4.9")

The † means that the individual is dead. The ° means the individual appears more then once rein this Trick.

Young Uhtred argues otherwise, claiming that his father has never been there for him. However, Finan informs him how Uhtred has fought many battles and risked his life many times for Christian kings at the cost of his own hopes and comfort. Finan met here Uhtred as a slave, and they had nothing. Uhtred fights for Bebbanburg to give his son the legacy he never had. ("Episode 4.3")

Finan and Osferth welcome Uhtred back and reveal that Sihtric has left with the prisoners. Uhtred now knows how to break the curse, but it’s a near impossible task to reach Skade.

They continue to battle against the Danes, even as they are picked off one by one. However, Edward arrives and lead them to victory. Afterward, they tend to Osferth, World health organization welches injured during battle. Uhtred forbids him from dying and wants Osferth to return to Æthelflæd’s estate. As soon as Osferth is recovered, Finan wants to recover Skade. However, she is out of reach. Uhtred doesn’t wish to chase her to their deaths. Sihtric replies that death will find them regardless. He adds that no man World health organization serves Uhtred can Reste until Skade is reclaimed as they are all cursed.

The slave ship is filling up with water. Uhtred, Halig, and Finan dump the water out of the ship using buckets. Uhtred asks Hakka to release them of their chains, but he refuses. Either they’ll bail out the water or sink with the ship. Whilst the other slaves Ausschuss, Uhtred continues to bail out water.

She is ,however, allowed to collect grass and herbs by a single tree on the other side of the camp. Uhtred orders Sihtric to tell Skade he is near and to take her by the tree. Sihtric breaks Skade free of her chains and takes her to meet Uhtred at the tree with Finan and Osfeth. The five of them retreat as Hæsten gets word of their arrival. Sihtric leads them to the Reparaturwerft, where they kill the guards before jumping into the ship and sailing away. ("Episode 3.7")

Cnut informs Uhtred and Finan that he has an army of 200 men though he’s not sure where they are headed next. Though, if Wessex is undefended, Cnut is considering heading south. Uhtred is not fond of the name Dane-Slayer and tells Cnut to stop referring to him as such.

Beocca insists that it was his own decision. He admittedly allowed himself to get old too quickly. However, Uhtred questions the Ohne scheiß reason Beocca decided to Kalendertag along. Beocca reveals that word reached him about the abduction of a young deacon. Then they sail to Bebbanburg. ("Episode 4.1")

Meanwhile, young Uhtred has been captured by Wihtgar. He suspects that young Uhtred was trying to steal away and demands to know why. Wihtgar tortures young Uhtred for answers. When he can’t get the answers out of him, Wihtgar kills both monks. When one of Ælfric's men attempts to kill him, young Uhtred tackles his attacker to the ground and nearly chokes the life out of him before Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric arrive. Uhtred holds a blade to Ælfric’s throat.

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